15. You once told a story about fighting that you thought was funny, but accidentally traumatized everyone listening. Now they think you're weird.
14. The first thing you do when you get home is take off your shoes and socks. If it was up to you you'd be barefoot all the time.
13. Every time you meet someone new you wonder if you can take them.
12. You think everyone should get punched in the face at least once in their life.
11. You'd rather wear a gi to formal events then a suit.
10. When giving your friends advice, you try to make them understand that their problem isn't as hard as getting kicked in the head. They never seem to get it.
9. You can't walk by a mirror without taking a second to pose in a fighting stance.
8.You've given a significant other a weapon of some kind as a romantic gift at some point.
7. At least 3 of your 5 favorite movies are about fighting.
6. When being intimate with your partner, they complain that you always have a straight face. You try to explain that it's part of your training. They just think you're creepy.
5. You wake up sore almost every day of the week. The good kind of sore.
4. You consider a black belt to be as impressive as a post graduate degree.
3. In the winter, you get a brief rush of excitement every time you put your gloves on.
2. You have to do 4 or 5 loads of laundry a week.
1. You own a sword.
Well there you have it! These are some of the random observations I've made over the last fifteen years or so of training. Hope this means I'm doing something right. Hope you enjoyed them and please feel free to comment, share your own or message me for the stories behind this list. There is a story behind every point. Happy training!
Jordan Bill
Fight or die
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